This topic questions the possibility of whether a human mind or consciousness may pose any impact on the external matter. The phenomenon is also called psychokinesis (PK). The best pick for a scientific approach is micro PK. For these studies, electronic devices with elements like certain types of diode are used. Current fluctuations are present there, based on the flow of single electrons. When a current exceeds the imposed threshold, the device sends 1 to the output, otherwise 0. In this way, a time series of 0s and 1s are produced and can be put under tests with the influence of the human mind or emotions.
Our interest arose while being in contact with the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) group. Bob Jahn and Brenda Dunne in their lab at Princeton University collected considerable amount of experimental data during 30 years of lab existence. Their published results evaluating cumulative data seemed to be positive, i.e. far beyond chance [1].
We performed one type of experiment dealing with the possible impact of the mind on true random event generators [2]. Our research was presented at the Conference of the Society for Scientific Exploration under the title REG mind-matter interaction: novel data analyses and different operator intentions.
Although our results may seem to be very promising, they have to be considered only as preliminary and possibly false. The reason is that in spite of the fact, that the REG device that we used in our study was originally calibrated, only a limited number of test runs were performed on our side. The main factor, which might influence our significant results may be varying temperature. The obtained pattern of the rising proportion of “1” looks just as if the temperature would be increasing. Students collecting the data were seated at their own homes, without supervision from a senior investigator. The temperature could be eventually increasing by the proximity of a table lamp or by covering of the device by the subjects’ palms.
Up to date, independent confirmation of the effect is missing, thus the PK effect has to be considered as not proved. Until easily repeatable protocols are established, the phenomenon and its evidence seem somewhat elusive. As always, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
Temporal verdict: Although it is hardly admissible from the current point of view of physics, it is an open problem with the potential for a paradigm shift in the natural sciences.
[1] Robert Jahn and Brenda Dunne: The PEAR Proposition, Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 195–245, 2005.
[2]. Teplan, M. – Jurášek, D.: REG mind-matter interaction: novel data analyses and different operator intentions. The 10th Biennial European Conference of the Society for Scientific Exploration, Sigtuna, Sweden, Uppsala University, 2016 (presentation).