Our organization provides services in the following areas:
1) Presentations and popular scientific lectures on our research and investigations.
2) Consultancy and audits in all areas related to our research. This covers the whole measurement process in general: From the literature assessment, through planning, experimental design, handling of hardware measurement devices, software measurement tools, data processing and analysis, and interpretation of the results, to the market applicability.
3) Over the last 25 years, we have developed a comprehensive body of knowledge mapping various innovative approaches and potentially applicable technologies. Among these, some have already been commercialized but are accompanied by false claims that lack robust scientific evidence. To address this gap, we provide health technology assessments (HTA) and technology audits. These services play a critical role in the technological due diligence process, supporting decisions related to acquisitions, partnerships, or investments in startups and established companies. Our focus spans emergent technologies across diverse domains, including biomedical, physical, and engineering areas, and where necessary, covering also psychological aspects.
Within our HTA expertise, we specialize in evaluating devices operating at the boundary of mainstream and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Many of these devices are marketed as evidence-based and mainstream, despite lacking sufficient validation. Assessing such technologies can be complex and nuanced, requiring a thorough and multidisciplinary approach. For more information on HTA specific to CAM, please refer here.
A few examples of assessed technologies:
– Medical technology: Oncotherm, Therabionic, lecbaplotenek.cz
– Alternative medical technology: bioresonance devices such as Bicom, Metatron, F-scan, Super Ravo Zapper, Rayonex. Variety of devices used in acupuncture. GDV camera. Allatra.
– Psychophysiology: Muse EEG, EliteHRV
– Sport technology: Rezztek
– Psychology and sports diagnostics: CA method
– Defense industry: Ralen Epofat – technology that is said to be based on sensing the human electromagnetic field
4) Additionally, we offer professional book review services. These reviews are tailored to provide insightful and critical evaluations, catering to both academic and general audiences, depending on the context and purpose of the review. Several examples:
– James Nestor: Breath – New science of lost art (international bestseller)
– Dag Palovič: Eye opener (Slovak mental and life coach)
– Ľudovít Ódor – A crash course in genius (corrections in 4 physics chapters – Relativity, Big Bang, Quantum physics, Time)
Finally, for those who are convinced that they have developed new theories in the fields of biomedicine or physics, we provide consultancy and review services focused on checking for possible inconsistencies.
More details can be provided upon request.